Loving the Get
I've been reading this incredible book, Moments With the Savior by Ken Gire. It's a devotional of the life of Jesus. I recently finished reading through Jesus' childhood and this morning opened to, "Intense Moments In The Desert" the story of 40 days in the wilderness. Such a familiar story... blah, blah... 3 temptations... blah, blah... stones, a temple, bowing down. When I reread it today I questioned Jesus' motives for the 40 days and nights, the starvation, the tempations. Besides proving he was strong enough to resist Satan, what was Jesus getting from it all? He never heard a single sound from the heavens in all 40 of those long, lonely days. The first temptation must have been easy to resist. Stone to bread? Please... Eventually hunger can be ignored, after a certain point you don't even notice. The second temptation must have been easy too. Jump from the highest building, test God's power to save... but when you're that tired why would y...