
Don't you know we want to laugh
We want to laugh from our bellies till we cry.
We also want to cry,
Cry so hard together that our tears become a single stream.
Do you know that we want to ask questions
Asking questions to understand the words that were never said.
Did you know our dreams make a braid of bright, bold, and daring
Tightly woven into a contagious flu?
We want to embrace for no reason and every reason. 
We want to talk about anything and nothing.
Didn't you know we want to ache,
We want to know loss and emptiness
Because we want to also know joy in full.
Did you know we want to make noise, go out with a bang,
But we want to be still and hear the beating of our own drum.
What we need and what we want we don't know, 
But we know we are creatures craving contradiction. 


  1. I love every line of this... Contradiction is common occurrence in our daily lives, especially mine.


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