We are cool

This morning I served up my breakfast onto one of the metal-prison-like-trays and carried it to a table in the back of the cafeteria. Most mornings I eat breakfast in the cafe a little later, on my way to class, so I can sit down and start the day with good company. This morning I went early, before anyone I knew would be there. I sat my tray down next to my Bible and perused over the first page in Hebrews, which includes chapters 1 and 2. I stopped when I got here,

Since the One who saves and those who are saved have a common origin, Jesus doesn't hesitate to treat them as brothers and sisters, saying,
           I'll tell my good friends, my brothers and sisters, all I know about you;
           I'll join them in worship and praise to you.

Again he puts himself in the same family circle when he says,
          Even I live by placing my trust in God.

And yet again, 
          I'm here with the children God gave me. 

It was here, in chapter two, I realized something, maybe for the first time. Humans were created, none of this evolution junk. They were created by someOne who believed we were worth it. Often times I forget that I wasn't made as part of some natural selection, to compete in the game, Survival of The Fittest. Be the best at school, sports, music, cooking, or everything else that everyone else is good at. Obviously. Jesus wouldn't come sing praises and worship with losers. He wouldn't stand with our crowd and also put his trust in God. Unless he thought we were cool, already. We don't have to compete and win a trophy to be called His brothers and sisters. He likes hanging out with us. I like that. Girls are cool, but so are boys and we don't have to be compared or fight to be the best. 


  1. Do they still serve lots of pink yogurt? I'm glad He thinks I'm cool.

  2. Wow tina this is a change in tone.... I like it :) no more competing.


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