I like making lists

There are a lot of things I like about Argentina. I'll just mention a few:

1. Siesta - nothing is open from 12:00-4:00. Everyone goes home to eat lunch and drink maté with family.

2. Maté - a green tea, mostly used as a social event. Yes, maté is it's own event.

3. Spanish - it's like being a kid again and having the gift of selective hearing. I'm able to hear what I want, when I want.

4. Off! - the mosquito spray. Without it people would be eaten alive. No kidding.

5. Clouds - the clouds here are incredible. Big and voluptuous. Bet you've never seen a cloud like that.

6. Homework - right, because there is none.

7. Small town - I've been down every street in this town, but somehow I'm always finding something new to explore.

8. Time - it's slow enough to do everything you want, but fast enough you have no time to waste. Who uses a watch? Me, myself and I. Why is it 10 minutes fast? I'm not sure yet.

9. People - They have nothing better to do than visit and drink maté. Actually no, they do. But that's how you feel when you're with them; they're so genuine. Friends that will last a lifetime.

10. A kiss on the right cheek - an official greeting. To everyone, every time. After kissing strangers, it makes kissing friends so much better. I think it's brought us closer. No pun intended.

11. The melting pot of culture - Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Panama, Portugal, Morocco, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Bolivia, Fiji, Korea, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Canada, Nigeria, South Africa, Sweden and France just to name a few.

12. Sabbath School - yes, it's in English. They say it would help my Spanish to join the Spanish Sabbath School, but if you skipped #3 on this list, go back to it. The English Sabbath class has been the most intellectually stimulating thing I've participated in here.

13. Kids - the tiny kids here are so cute. Maybe it's the Spanish, I hope my kids speak Spanish.

14. Worship services - I'm pretty sure they could last all day.


  1. I like list too... :)
    I am sure you love the kisses

  2. Nice list of favorites! Especially the English Sabbath School. I SO agree with you :). I'm glad you're loving it, Tina!

  3. I know what you speak of. I feel like this is also a list of things that you are looking for in life, not just Argentina. Many of them can transfer.


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