A New Kind of Leading

Change has become something that I open my arms to with enthusiasm and optimism. When I'm prepared for it though. This summer I knew that change would happen at camp, I think that's partially why I dropped my summer plans, to come back and watch it happen. I have been observing the changes for the past few weeks, not jumping in on it, nor wrapping my arms around it, but just watching. I wan't convinced or won over until yesterday. I've been sick, sick, sick the past couple weeks and not performing at my normal peak of energy or fun. I've felt mean, grumpy, standoffish, and distant, definitely not camp-friendly. But one of the new leaders took a seat next to me yesterday and affirmed me. My uniqueness, my coolness, my work, my enthusiasm. After a long, sick period of crappy feelings, that leader saw past those things. That says a lot about them and meant a lot to me. It brought me back around and helped me make that 180 from sick to energized. The changes have been different, but have opened my eyes to some different ways of administration. I think, I'm ready to jump on the band wagon, do some of my own affirming, which isn't super natural for me, but I like that kind of leadership. Definitely something I want to adopt and spend time working on. Camp is always packed full of lessons, kind of like school, but WAY more fun.


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