Three summers ago at one of our family camps I was opening the program for the Sabbath on Friday evening by explaining why the Sabbath was so important to me. After worship that night a husband and wife asked if they could talk with me and pray for me. Throughout the week we exchanged stories and they made me part of the family during meals and events. Many times they would pray for me, and after the weeks was over they sent a large package of books, a few specifically for me and others to share with staff. Since that summer I've thought about them often and wondered when I'd see them again. Yesterday afternoon as I was cleaning up the beach for dinner their family came and sat at the picnic table. They started by asking me about the summer (which seems like it just started) and then told me that their eldest daughter was planning on attending Fountain View Academy, an Adventist boarding school in Canada whose purpose is to train young people for active mission service. Later that evening I met with Mr. Chung and I asked him more about his daughter and her decision and he began by telling me a story from when his eldest daughter Heather was younger. He began by telling me that he's gone in to his kids' bedrooms every night to pray with them since they were born. One night he went into Heather's room and she was crying. When he asked her why she'd been crying she told him that she never wanted to grow up. He asked why and she told him that when she grew up she'd have to move out, get an apartment and a job, and take care of herself. He assured her that he would never make her leave but that eventually she would be ready and want to leave and it was his job as a father to prepare her for that day and to also make sure there was always a place for her in his house. His eyes started to water as he told me that this all took place a very short four years ago. He continued to tell me that now Heather tells him that she feels God calling her to Fountain View, "And what can I say to that? If God is calling her, then it's my job to let her go."
It's been hard for him to let go, but easier knowing that God has a plan. He shared with me Romans 8:28, "We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." Being a father on earth is such a special calling, very difficult, but probably the most important job. Sometimes (like last night) I wish I had the opportunity to be a father. To someday be given the hard task of painting for my children a picture of Christ. And like Mr. Chung has done, preparing them for the day they hear God's voice instead of mine and to help them be able to recognize His voice, but continue to assure them that I will never leave them or push them away, but always, always, always love them. Such a nearly-impossible task, but what a trusted and respectable position. It's so inspiring to me, to hear parents preparing their children for whatever God calls them to. Oh, how camp has shown me such great people; leaders, parents, and children.
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