3 L's

"Starting today, 
Learn more,
Laugh more
and do what you truly 
LOVE to do ..."

I love these laughing pictures too,
might seem cheesy but it makes me laugh.

This was on a birthday card I got today. Lately I've been having these whack-o dreams about dying young. I hope it's not a sign or something. What I'm thinking is that maybe I've been holding back from doing what I really love and that's why these dreams have been haunting me. So today I'm doing what I love, maybe it will turn these nightmares into something good. Turning off my computer early. Taking my sleeping bag outside. Then waking up for a sunrise. Do something you love too!


  1. I love this too! I'm going to get a good sleeping bag so we can sleep anywhere, anytime. Dead of winter? No problem. Do what you love!!!


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