math: good stuff

i'm hooked. i've only had a week and a half of my precalc class, but i'm lovin it. it's not too difficult. yet. but there's that curiosity and anticipation that comes with every attempt to solve each problem. will it work this time? when it's wrong ya just gotta dig into it more. ya can't stop. like it's addicting or something. it's frustrating. but worth it. because when it's right - there's a little celebration inside me every time. yah, yah, i got it right. yah, yah, i can do anything. i used to wish i got everything right the first time. before precalc. but if everything was always right we'd never dig for more. we'd never have that curiosity and anticipation. or that little celebration inside when things do work out.


  1. ooo, i like this alot. yah, yah, i like this alot. :) heheh I LOVE YOU!

  2. I feel sad that you've lost your mind. But I still like you.

  3. Precalc. Yuck. Digging deeper. Yummmm.


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