Fast cars and Freedom

I took the back route to Walla Walla yesterday with my little car jammed to the roof. I prefer the back route although it's only a two lane highway and there's really only one bathroom stop, but I always recommend it simply because it seems shorter. Maybe I've recommended it one too many times because there were a lot of cars on that two lane highway yesterday. I had to pass quite a few sluggish drivers. Each time I'd prepare for a pass, I'd pull over the rumbler strip in the center to check for cars, clear. But I wimp out and pull back into my lane. I go for it again, but no a corner is quickly approaching and so I pull back. I wait a few more turns until I see a straight stretch. I white knuckle the steering wheel and pull out to check the oncoming traffic status. It's clear. "Just do it. Just do it." "Speed now or forever hold your peace." I talk myself into it. As I put my foot to the ground with the pedal in between I suck in a deep breath and hold it. I squint my eyes to see the miles in front of me as my car slowly speeds up, sort of like a sleeping rabbit just waking up to finish the race. I make a fair pass and return back to my lane. "Wheww..." I can breath again, but my hands are clammy and sore around the steering wheel and I can feel the beads of sweat at my hairline. My hands and knees are a little shaky, but it felt good to get it out of the way. What an adrenaline rush! So I did it a few more times.
I'm moving into my new house and getting ready for my third year at WWU, I'm white-knuckling it and taking in a deep breath. The adrenaline rush of the pass is coming. That's why I like college, so unexpected and dangerous.


  1. if you think college is unexpected and dangerous, just wait for post-graduation life!


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