This and That

When I was in India I got hot weather when I wanted cool weather.
Now I have cool weather, but I want hot weather.

I got bananas when I wanted oranges.
Now I have oranges, but I want bananas.

I got yellow when I wanted red.
Now I have red, but I want yellow.

I received a lot when I wanted little.
Now I have little, but I want a lot.

I got a hot drink when I wanted a cold drink.
Now I have a cold drink, but I want a hot drink.

I have action when I want rest.
Now I have rest, but I want action.

I left when I wanted to stay.
Now I stay, but I want to leave.

I got this when I wanted that.
Now I have that, but I want this.

I wish I could get this and want this
Instead of getting this and wanting that.


  1. hey, go check out the sunset!

  2. yeah i got it. i got it even more than emily did.

  3. I think about what you just blogged about sometimes. Being content with whatever you have, wherever you are, in all kinds of weather is something I admire.


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