To: Miss Kristina Rhuman

Often times I wonder if the US postal service is only good for getting my bills to me in an orderly manner or reminding me of my thousands of dollars worth of student loans or for the stack of junk mail I never open filling up the trash bin in the corner of my room. But today I got two things in the mail that wavered my position on the US postal service. Two things:

1. - 10 year Indian Tourist Visa. Now there's nothing keeping me from going for Spring Break. Also I can go any time I want in the next 10 years... if only I wasn't reminded of my debt to student loans every other week, bah!

2. - A Valentines Day card from my Grandma. I guess my moms dad kept a collection of antique Valentine cards and my Grandma kept them after he died. She's sent me one every year for the last 5 years or so, and this years is super cool. Inside was a note from my Grandma and the last part said, "He would have loved you a lot." From the stories I've heard, he was an awesome man! I'd love to meet him some day!

It was a good week for mail :)


  1. so cool! your grandpy's v-day cards. you got your visa! man i'm excited for you!

  2. My sister-in-law sends me letters. She says she likes to keep the postmen in business.

    I love getting letters. I try to always write back. Receiving letters is the greatest.


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