
If you're moving, if you're breathing, if you're thinking, if you're loving or searching.
If you're praying, if you're hiding or even just sleeping.

You are risking.

Risking the small chance that something might happen. Things happen. Good things. Bad things.

Cancer, accidents, poverty, trafficking, cheating, lying, rejection.
Trusting, hoping, believing, accepting, committing, loving.

She dedicated a year of her precious life to serve and trust, but never made it back.

She committed her life to raising her daughters the best she could, but never lived to see the great impact she had.

She trusted him and gave her heart, but he didn't keep it long before he handed it back.

He believed that everything would work out, and now he wonders what life is worth.

It's everywhere. All the time. The risk. We can't live in fear that we will live the risk. We must live despite the risk. Live with out doubt, without fear. If we don't take the risk we'll lose it all. We'll lose every encounter that has changed a life.

Take the risk. Life is a chance. There's no protection that is guaranteed. The only guarantee is that you'll miss out on something HUGE if you live in fear. Make a move!


  1. Its funny cause I was just thinking about all of this the other day. Everythings a risk. But usually high risks reap high rewards

  2. you're speaking to my soul friend.


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