Like a child

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:3

I slept in yesterday morning until 8:00 and everyone was still sleeping, except my adventurous friend Emily, so together we tip-toed our way through the house and down the hall to the swimsuit drawer. Pulled on our suits and ran outside to the hot tub. The gray fog covered the valley below and the steam from the hot tub encompassed us with warmth. Just to slide into the hot water with another soul searching friend was the tranquil remedy my soul had been in desperate need of, to recover from the past week.

We talked about everything. Friends, school, God, dreams, the past and future.She shared with me a story about love. A love so young and free, without a single care. A love that sounded like an irrational and silly, make-believe fairy tale. This love sounded childish, impulsive and naive, but so pure and passionate. This love was nothing I understood. My love is so levelheaded, cautious, sensible, regulated and proud. I control my love by not giving too much, or waiting for the right moment and giving it only if it's reasonable. I've become an expert at hiding my love for many things for fear that I will fail. When did I grow up and stop loving so freely, impulsively and naively? God says that we must become little children, but they love without reasoning. They don't try to hide their love, instead when they feel an emotion as strong as love they shout it out and can't sit still. Children let their spirited imagination carry their love far and wide. I want to love like a child again!

Thank you friend for a good talk!


  1. Tina, go check your facebook. i'm writing you a message there! you are the best! love emily

  2. This was an awesome post!

    Can I just say that really...really I'm jealous that I don't get to hang out with girls like you more often.. Girls like you, Trina, Tara Becker, Emily Wilkens, Ashley Zalzmen, and several others in your crowd. Girls like you are hard to find, and even though we might not be the best of friends, I wish I could benefit from time spent and wish I could be in on more girl times such as these.

    I keep up with yours, Trina's, Tara's, and Emily's blogs and I consistently think to myself "I'm privileged to know such fine people"

    I hope your holidays are happy and your soul searching continues :)

  3. hmmm... this is very good. it's possible that you have inspired me once again.


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