The Unusual

"Teacher! She said I'm and idiot!"

"Teacher, he through my shoe into the middle of the field for no reason!"

"Teacher, I had the jump rope first! Tell him to give it back!"

"He keeps throwing the ball at me!"

"She always tells secrets and makes me pinky swear not to tell."

"Teacher.... can I go to the bathroom?" (a wet stain in the lap of his pants)

"I... I just threw up..." (maybe tomato soup?)

This was my recess today. A big class full of tattle-tails, and helpless 3rd and 4th graders. It didn't stop there either... a boy in the third grade hit a girl in the fourth grade and he's been suspended for tomorrow. In my 2 years of assisting I've never had a recess as colorful as this one. It was a change from the normal, not really the best change, but I'm learning without change life would be boring. Whether good or bad change makes for adventure. And with all the stress from school work it was relieving and actually fun to be in the middle of all the chaos and worry about something else for a change.


  1. Wetting pants is where I draw the line. You're brave Tina. And awesome, I might add.

  2. throwing up is where i draw the line. you are courageous. and yes, awesome. and if you're thinking about how change is good and for the better of a non-boring life, perhaps you should read Donald Miller's new book: A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It's everything I've been thinking for years now...


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