Not just words...

Wow, what a week!!! *long sigh* This week I have been through a lot and learned a lot. WWU started classes Monday and my classes feel like a huge rock in my backpack. I can't even walk to my next class without feeling like I'm going to fall over from this rock of stress on my back. My classes are a big load but then there's an extra rock that snuck into my bag from work. I don't know where the time goes in the day. I start class at nine go to work at 1pm, then start homework at 5pm, and where do I fit in my time for fellowship and friends? I haven't figured that out yet. And this week has been tough, I really need a good friend to talk and share with. I would fall asleep at night feeling lonely and empty, but Wednesday morning I woke up to my phone ringing and looked at the clock to see 5:30 am.
Who would be calling at this time? I thought. I answered in a croaky voice and to my great surprise it was my two very good friends Hillary and Kati, calling all the way from India. We talked for quite a while and the words that were shared were priceless.
I've learned a lot from my friends and family this week. Their words have been encouraging and have shown me that words are more than just words. Words have the potential to do so much or ruin so much. They can tear people down and eventually destroy relationships or communities. Words can make us believe we are not important, we're not good enough, or that we don't belong. A little word can kill dreams and passions and take away our hope. But if we use our words with love they can make us a new person. With an encouraging word we can find new dreams, and hope in shattered dreams. Kind words can tell someone they are worth it, they are important, and they do belong. Loving words can build us up and make us confident and strong. Words have the potential to make someone a GREAT success. It's amazing how a little word can do so much! Please, please encourage each other. You never know how much you could help a person out with a little encouraging and change their whole world around.

P.S. - Thanks Kate and Hill for being so encouraging and for the flowers and chocolate :)


  1. Tina you are so right about words. They have so much more effect than we can ever imagine. Thanks.

  2. Tina!!
    This was beautiful!!! It made us smile through the entire thing. Words are probably the most simple thing we can give, but often the hardest to say. Thank you for this entry Tina!
    We love and miss you!
    Kati and Tina

  3. Teens! This was beautiful. You are beautiful. Inside and out.


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