All Before Spring
Every day the past couple of days, when I’ve taken the step out the door to the forest around me I have felt a different kind of air. It’s not much cooler, but definitely fall air. When I breathe it in my nostrils, it’s no longer moist and humid, but it’s just crisp. Kind of sharp, like a freshly sharpened wooden, old school no. 2 pencil, the yellow kind. It smells like freshly cut logs, neatly stacked behind the house hibernating there until a cold day in winter, which seems to be creeping up right around the corner. If I’ve never made it clear in any other posts you should know I’m not a winter fan. Unfortunately, this year I’m only missing the first part of winter, but fortunately, at least I’m missing half. Then I’ll be back in time to watch the nastiness of winter sprout up into a lovely spring. If you didn’t know, I love spring. Today, though, Karalee and I went “into town,” you see town is a short journey by car away, so we have to go in to get there. We we...