Brave and free, wiping it clean
After a restless night and a full day of teaching I have nothing symbolic or figurative to write. My head has ached since yesterday, but my heart all week. Every morning in staff worship we pray for a student who is undergoing chemotherapy. Administration posted notices on Monday at the front door of the school that doors will be locked between 8:15 am and 3:15 pm. A frozen body was found yesterday in a field next to the school. What kind of hell are we stuck in? The collected dust of these hellish happenings have begun to settle in. Sometimes it's hard to see anything good past it all. Locked in our classroom this morning during worship, a student recommended that we watch this music video. As the video played, several students sang along and unknowingly began to wipe away that dusty build up from the roller-coastering week. 'And just like a drum I can hear their hearts beating. I know my God won't let them be defeated. These are our daughters and our sons. Brave and ...